Cui Naixue, PhD, Associate Professor
Department of Mental Health Nursing
Address:No. 44 Wenhuaxi Road, Nursing Building Room 407
Jinan, Shandong Province, China 250012
Tel. 0531-88382268
Email: cnx@sdu.edu.cn
Research Interests: Child development; Childhood adversity; Mental health of vulnerable populations
Academic advisor for Master's students: Yes
Academic advisor for PhD students: No
Education Background
2005 – 2010 BS in Nursing, Shandong University
2010 – 2013 MS in Nursing, Shandong University
2013 – 2017 MA in Statistics, University of Pennsylvania
2013 – 2017 PhD in Nursing, University of Pennsylvania
Work Experience
2017 – Associate Research Professor, Shandong University
2018 – Director of Office of International Affairs, School of Nursing Shandong University
Description of Research and Teaching
My research focuses on the bio-social interaction effect on child and adolescent behavior and mental health from the lens of family research, and developing tailored intervention strategies to improve parenting practice and prevent child maltreatment.
Courses taught: Research Methods, Health Psychology, Biostatistics
Research Projects
1. July 2018 – Jun 2021 Parenting in rural families with children aged 0-3 years Under the Rural Revitalization Context (PI)
National Social Science Fund of China (18CSH061)
2. Aug 2018 – Jun 2023 Mechanism of the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and health outcomes (PI)
Supporting Grant for Candidates for “Qilu Outstanding Scholars”, Shandong University (2018WLJH46)
3. Nov 2018 – Oct 2019 Developing Online Courses Program: Nursing Research (PI)
School of Nursing, Shandong University
* Corresponding author
1. Cui, N* & Liu, J. (2018). Cui, N., & Liu, J. (2018). Physical abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect and childhood behavior problems: a meta-analysis of studies in Mainland China. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 1524838018757750.
2. Cui, N., Ji, X. & Liu, J. (2018). Cui, N., Ji, X., & Liu, J. (2018). Child physical abuse, non-anemic iron deficiency and behavior problems. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 39, 74-79.
3. Ye, T., Cui, N., Yang, W., & Liu, J. (2018). Evaluation of the Factor Structure of the Adolescent Stress Questionnaire in Chinese Adolescents. Psychological reports, 0033294118792686. Cui, N., Deatrick, J. & Liu, J. (2017). Maternal and paternal physical abuse in China: Unique and Combined effect on behavior problems. Child Abuse & Neglect, 76: 524-532.
4. Ji, X., Cui, N., & Liu, J. (2017). Neurocognitive Function is Associated With Serum Iron Status in Early Adolescents. Biological Research for Nursing, 1099800417690828. Online published.
5. Cui, N., & Liu, J. (2016). Cognitive and behavioral risk factors for child physical abuse among Chinese children: A longitudinal study with multiple informants. Child and Adolescent Psychiartric and Mental Health. 63(2): 171-180.
6. Cui, N., Xue, J., Connolly, C. A., & Liu, J. (2016). Does the gender of parent or child matter in child maltreatment in China?. Child Abuse & Neglect (JCR Q1), 54, 1-9.
7. Su, J., Cui, N. (Co-first author), Zhou, G., Ai, Y., Sun, G., Zhao, S. R., & Liu, J. (2016). Hemoglobin status and externalizing behavioral problems in children.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(8), 758.
8. Xue, J., Fang, G., Huang, H., Cui, N., Rhodes, K. V., & Gelles, R. (2016). Rape Myths and the Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale in China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Epub ahead of print. Doi 0886260516651315.
9. Li, Y., Cui, N., Cao, F., & Liu, J. (2015). Children’s bonding with parents and grandparents and its associated factors. Child Indicators Research, 1-14.
10. Ulrich, C. M., Wallen, G., Cui, N., Chittams, J., Sweet, M., & Plemmons, D. (2014). Establishing Good Collaborative Research Practices in the Responsible Conduct of Research in Nursing Science. Nursing Outlook, 63(2), 171-180.
Awards and Honors
2018 Candidate for Qilu Outstanding Scholars
2017 Ellen O. Fuller Student Research Pilot Award
2017 Dorothy Mereness Award for Scholarly Writing
Additional Experiences
2018-2021 Member and Secretariat of the Nursing Education Committee of Shandong Nursing Association
2019-2022 Member of the Professional Committee of Sleep Medicine of the Association of Medical Exchanges Across the Taiwan Straits