Master Degree in Nursing

Program overview

This program will ensure that students become experts in the field of Master Degree Program in Nursing Science. The first year is almost entirely devoted to expanding one’s knowledge of the field. The second-year focusses on deepening the understanding of the field and the topic for the dissertation is chosen and the associated research plan is written. In the third year the students will finish their dissertations and after defending it will be awarded the title of Master Degree of Medicine in Nursing Science.

Aim of the program

To educate the next generation of nursing talent that is able to compete with their peers in the global job market. Through extensive training and research practise the student will graduate and hold the Master’s degree enabling him or her to work in clinical nursing, nursing education, nursing management, and nursing research.

When and how to apply

 For more information on the documents needed and the application procedure please visit

Application for financial support

There are possibilities for getting a scholarship either by the China Scholarship Council (CSC), the local government or through Shandong University.

For more information on CSC scholarships please visit here.

For more information on university scholarships, please visit here.

For more information on other scholarshipopportunities, please visit here.

Contact information

General inquiries of admission and the university
Address: 27 Shanda Nanlu Shandong University (Central Campus)
Mingde Building C301 (Admissions Office, Department of International Affairs)
Jinan, Shandong Province, 250100 P. R. China
Tel: +86-531-88365586;86-531-88364854
Fax: +86-531-88565051

Inquiries of the program and the school
Address: 44 Wenhua Xi Road, Shandong University (Baotuquan Campus)
Tel: +86-531-88382520
Fax: +86-531-88380626