Cao Yingjuan, Chief Nurse
Associate Dean, School of Nursing and Rehabilitation Shandong University
Director, Department of Nursin Administration, Qilu Hospital of Shandong University
Address: No. 107 Wen-Hua-Xi Rd
Jinan 250012
Tel. +86 18560082789
Email: caoyingjuan@sdu.edu.cn
Research Interests: Evidence-Based practice/patient safety; Palliative care; Aged Care
Academic advisor for Master's students: Yes
Academic advisor for PhD students: Yes
Education Background
2008-2011 PhD in Nursing, Curtin University (Australia)
2000-2004 Bachelor in Nursing, Shandong University
Work Experience
July 1991 till present Qilu Hospital of Shandong University
Description of Research and Teaching
Yingjuan Cao, RN PhD received her doctoral degree in nursing science from Curtin University, Australia, supervised by then-Professor Patricia Davidson, the current Dean and Professor of the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. Dr. Cao got her full Professorship in the year of 2018 and has been taking the role of Vice Director of the Nursing Department at Qilu Hospital of Shandong University since Oct 2012. She also serves as Associate Professor and Master’s supervisor for the Shandong University School of Nursing and chairs the Evidence-Based Nursing Committee of the Shandong Nursing Association. She is the editor of the Journal of Advanced Nursing (SCI, IF 2.267) and a peer reviewer for national and international nursing journals including the Journal of Clinical Nursing and Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia (Collegian) and a few. Dr. Cao has served as board member for national and international nursing and interdisciplinary societies including the International Council on Women’s Health Issues (ICOWHI), the Australian Cardiovascular Nursing College, the Chinese Pioneer Hospital Nursing Alliance, and the Shandong Provincial Nursing Quality Control Center. Her main research interests are improving nursing care for chronic patients in the community, including aged care and palliative care, evidence-based nursing practice/patient safety, and nursing informatics.
Dr. Cao currently holds the qualifications of registered nurse of China, Australia and the U.S.A. In the past few years, she has authored or co-authored more than 50 papers and received several research grants as PI in her areas of interest.
Research Projects
1. 2011.9-2013.12 (2011HZ042) Translation and validation of the Chinese version of the Acute Coronary Syndrome Response Index (C-ACSRI) and its application in China. Granted by Shandong Health Bureau, ¥10,000
2. 2012.1-2014.12 (2012TS150) The clinical investigation on a comprehensive secondary prevention program. Granted by Shandong University, ¥70,000
3. 2015.10-2016.12(15CLSJ10) The origination and development of nursing in Shandong Province. Granted by Shandong Provincial Government, ¥50,000
4. 2017-2018 (SYXLL2017-004) Establishment of palliative care training system for hospital nurses in Shandong. Shandong Medical Bioethics Association ¥3,000
5. 2017-2018 (17-ND-SH-2) Nurse-led training program on palliative care and the effectiveness of evidence-based practice. ¥10,000
6. 2017-2018 (2017GSF218001) Hospital to Home-Care for Aged Residing Empty, H2H-CARE study. ¥100,000
Recent Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
1. Cao, Y., Davidson, P.M., DiGiacomo, M., and Yang, M., Prehospital delay for acute coronary syndrome in China. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2010. 25(6): p. 487-496. (first author)
2. Xiuling Cao, Y Cao, Yenna Salamonson, Michelle Gigiacomo, Yuguo Chen, Chang, S., Riegel, B., Davidson, P.,Translation and validation of the Chinese version of the Acute Coronary Syndrome Response Index (C-ACSRI). International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2012. 49 ( 10 ): p.1277-1290.(correspondence)
3. Yingjuan Cao, Patricia M. Davidson, Michelle Digiacomo, Min Yang. A Global Problem but of Concern in Mainland China: Pre-Hospital Delay for Acute Coronary Syndrome. Circulation. 2010.122:e115. (first author)
4. Patricia M Davidson, John Daly, Dominic Leung, Esther Ang, Glenn Paull, Michelle DiGiacomo, Karen Hancock, Yingjuan Cao, HuiYun Du and David R .Health-seeking beliefs of cardiovascular patients: A qualitative study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2011.48(2011):135-136.
5. Hui Gao, Yingjuan Cao, Yang Zhao, Fenglan Lou. Knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Nursing Science. 2013. March 28(5): P72-74. (in Chinese)
6. Yingjuan Cao, Xiuling Cao, Fenglan Lou, Hui Gao, Qinghong Liu, Patricia M Davidson. Reliability and validity of Chinese version of acute coronary syndrome response index. Chinese Nursing Management. 2013.5.P44-47. (first author, in Chinese)(Best publications of the year in 2013awarded by the journal)
7. Xiulian Xu, Yingjuan Cao, Xiaorong Luan. Application of 4G wireless network-based system for remote diagnosis and nursing of stomal complications. Int J Clin Exp Med. 2014 Nov 15;7(11):4554-4561.
8. Honglin Chen, Yingjuan Cao, Wei Zhang, Jing Wang, Baosha Huai. Braden scale is not suitalbe for assessing pressure ulcer risk in individuals aged 80 and older. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.2015. 60(3): 599-601. (correspondence)
9. Honglin Chen, Yingjuan Cao, Jing Wang, Baosha Huai. A Retrospective Analysis of Pressure Ulcer Incidence and Modified Braden Scale Score Risk Classifications. Ostomy Wound Management.2015.61(9): 26-30.(correspondence)
10. Yingjuan Cao, Michelle DiGiacomo, Yenna Salamonson, Ye Li, Baosha Huai, Patricia M Davidson. Nurses' perceptions of their professional practice environment: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Dec 2015. 24(23-24):3441-3448. (correspondence)
11. Lanhua Li, Yingjuan Cao, Wei Gao. Qualitative research on pressure source of caregivers in need of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Chinese Journal of Practice Nursing. 2016, 32(22). (correspondence, in Chinese)
12. Patricia M Davidson, Yingjuan Cao. News from the International Council on Women's Health Issues. Health Care for Women International.2016; 37: 4: 391.
13. Jun Lyu, Yingjuan Cao, Lijuan Bu, Xiaoyan Lyu, Sonya Grympma. Exploration on the origin of Qilu Modern Nursing and some thoughts. Chinese Medical Ethics. 2017. 6(30). 773-777. (correspondence, in Chinese)
14. Jun Lu,Sonya Grypma, Yingjuan Cao, Lijuan Bu, Lin Shen. Historically-informed nursing: A transnational case study in China. Nursing Inquiry. 2018.25(1). (correspondence)
15. Xiaoyan Lyu, Lin Shen, Jinghua Xia, YingjuanCao. Clinical guidelines on methods foridentifying the position of nasogastric tube in enteral nutrition:a systematic review. Chinese Journal of Nursing. 2018 Sep. 53(9): 1115-1121. (correspondence, in Chinese)
16. Lin Shen, Yunling Xiao, Wenjing Zhang, Yalin Wang, Yingjuan Cao. The current status and application research of comprehensive unit-based safety program. Chinese Journal of Practice Nursing. 2018 June. 34(18): 1432-1436. (correspondence, in Chinese)
17. Lin Shen, Xiaoyan Lyu, Jinghua Xia, Yingjuan Cao. Qualitative approach on the cognition and experience of fall prevention among the geriatric ward staff. Chinese Journal of Practice Nursing. 2018 Aug. 34(24): 1861-1866. (correspondence, in Chinese)
18. Qiaohui Liu, Yingjuan Cao, Lingling Fu, etl. Application research of internet plus extended care mode in rehabilitation of orthopedic patients. Chinese Journal of Practice Nursing. 2016,32( 32 ): 2506-2509. (correspondence)
19. HL Chen , YJ Cao , W Zhang , J Wang , BS Huai. Braden scale (ALB) for assessing pressure ulcer risk in hospital patients: A validity and reliability study. Applied Nursing Research . 2017 Feb , 33 :169-174.(correspondence)
20. HL Chen , YJ Cao , J Wang , BS Huai. Calibration power of the Braden scale in predicting pressure ulcer development. Journal of Wound Care , 2016 , 25 (11) :655-659. (correspondence)
21. Yingjuan Cao, Marion Ball. A Hospital Nursing Adverse Events Reporting System Project:An Approach Based on the Systems Development Life Cycle Studies in Health Technology & Informatics. 2017, 245 :1351. (first author)
22. Weiting Guo, Yingjuan Cao, Wenjun Wang, Ran Tan. Design and application of skin dryness assessment system for elderly patients. Journal of Qilu Nursing. 2018 Aug. 24(15): p17-20.(correspondence, in Chinese)
23. Xinxin Han, Jingwen Sun, Yingjuan Cao, Taixia Zhang, Xinxin Li, Nannan Li. Fall prevention and cost-benefit analysis of hospitalized patients. Nursing Practice and Research. 2018. 15(15): p103-106. (correspondence, in Chinese)
24. Xinxin Han, Yingjuan Cao, Jingwen Sun, Lin Shen, Ran Tan, Jinxin Zhang, Xiaoyan Lyu. A systematic evaluation of the post-fall psychological experience of inpatients and the cognitive quality of fall prevention. Chinese Journal of Practice Nursing. 2019. (correspondence, in Chinese)
25. Shujuan Yu, Yingjuan Cao, Dedong Ma. A survey on night sleep quality and daytime tiredness among shift nurses in a tertiary teaching hospital. Chinese Journal of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases. 2018, 36(11):p855-858. (correspondence, in Chinese)
26. Shujuan Yu, Yingjuan Cao, Dedong Ma, Yao Li, Xiaoyan Lv. Differences of salivary amylase as a stressor in shift-work nurses. Chinese Mental Health Journal. 2019.(correspondence, in Chinese)
27. Jinxin Zhang, Yinghui Jin, Yingjuan Cao, Xiaoyan Lu, Yue Qu, Xiangting Shi. The expectation of a good death from patients with end-stage chronic diseases: a systematic review. Chinese Journal of Nursing. 2019 (correspondence, in Chinese)
Book Chapters:
1. Jun Lyu & Yingjuan Cao. Collected works of James B. Neal Shandong, Shandong University Press. 2019.
2. Li Fan., et al. Medical Care of the Elderly in China---Eleventh Five-Year" National Planned Textbook. 2017: People’s Medical Publishing Hourse Co., LTD.
3. Xu YH., Cao, YJ., Gong TL. Clinical guidance for patient education. 2010: Shandong Technology Publishing House.
4. Tian J., et al. Clinical guidance for haemodialysis and blood purification treatment. 2005: Shandong Technology Publishing House.
5. Tian J., et al. Health education for patients undergoing haemodialysis and renal transplantation. 2005: Shandong University.
Honors and Awards
1. January 2004 Visiting Scholar Scholarship granted by Chinese Education Ministry
2. July 2008 Research Training Program , Curtin University, Australia
3. January 2009 Postgraduate Award , Research Scholarship , Curtin, Australia
4.October 2015 Visiting Scholar Scholarship granted by Shandong Provincial Government
5. March2019 Visiting Scholar Scholarship granted by Chinese Education Ministry
Additional Experiences
Experience abroad
Visiting Scholar (January 2006 to January 2008)
Nursing Research Unit of UWS & SWAHS, NSW, Australia supported by Chinese Education Ministry
Registered Nurse ( June 2008 to October 2008)
St Joseph’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia
Registered Nurse (October 2008 to December 2008)
Children’s hospital in Westmead, Sydney, Australia
Visiting Faculty (September 2015 to September 2016)
Nursing School of Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A
Membership of Professional Organisations
Chinese Nursing Association (member & consultant for nursing education committee)
Evidence-based Nursing Committee of Shandong Nurses Association (chair)
Shandong Provincial Center for Patient Safety and Nursing Care Quality Assurance (associate director)
Australian Cardiovascular Nursing College (member)
College of Nursing, New South Wales, Australia (member)
International Council on Women’s Health Issues (ICOWHI) (board member)
Journal Editor
Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN)
Journal of Chinese Medical Ethics (youth editor; in Chinese)
Journal Reviewer
International Journal of Nursing Studies (IJNS)
Journal of Clinical Nursing (JCN)
Journal of the Royal College of Nursing Australia (Collegian)
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Journal of Smoking Cessation