
Li Ping, PhD, Professor
Assocaite Dean for Graduate Education
Director of Department of Nursing Humanities
School of Nursing and Rehabilitation, Shandong University
Address: No. 44 Wenhuaxi Road, Nursing Building Room 609
Jinan, Shandong Province, China 250012
Tel. 0531-88382002
Email: pingli12@sdu.edu.cn
Research Interests: Positive psychology and health; mental health promotion for cancer patients
Academic advisor for Master's students: Yes
Academic advisor for PhD students: Yes
Education Background
1991-1996 Bachelor in Nursing, Shandong University
2000-2003 Master in Psychology, Shandong Normal University
2008-2011 PhD in Nursing, Shandong University
Work Experience
1996/7-2006/8 Lecturer, Shandong University
2006/9-2016/8 Associate Professor, Shandong University
2010/8-2011/8 Visiting Scholar, Karolinska Institute
2016/9- Professor, Shandong University
Description of Research and Teaching
Prof. Li and her team focus on the research field of psychological stress and health. Recently, from positive psychology perspective, the mechanism of stress resilience on mental health was explored among different groups such as patients with cancer, infertility, and subhealth population; the effect of Mindfulness based stress reduction(MBSR) was also tested in clinical or community people.
At present, Her ongoing project approved by The National Natural Science Foundation is “The influence of mindfulness-based stress reduction training and resilience trajectory on psychological adjustment among cancer survivors: The epigenetic mechanisms of HPA axis”(No.81773296, 2018-2021).
Prof. Li is engaged in the teaching of Nursing Psychology, Positive Psychology, and Psychiatric Nursing, which are open to undergraduate and graduate students.
Research Projects
2018-2021 The influence of Mindfulness-based stress reduction training and resilience trajectory on psychological adjustment among cancer survivors: the epigenetic mechanisms of HPA axis(PI)
National Natural Sciences Fund
1. Zhao D, Liu C, Feng X, Hou F, Xu X, Li P*(Corresponding Author). Menopausal symptoms in different substages of perimenopause and their relationships with social support and resilience. Menopause. 2018 Sep 24. doi: 10.1097/GME.0000000000001208. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI,IF=2.980)
2. Fang Y, Kang X, Feng X, Zhao D, Song D, Li P*(Corresponding Author). Conditional effects of mindfulness on sleep quality among clinical nurses: the moderating roles of extraversion and neuroticism. Psychology Health & Medicine. 2018 Jul 3:1-12. doi: 10.1080/13548506.2018.1492731. [Epub ahead of print] (SCI/SSCI,IF=1.652)
3. Kong L, Fang M, Ma T, Li G, Yang F, Meng Q, Li Y, Li P*(Corresponding Author). Positive affect mediates the relationships between resilience, social support and posttraumatic growth of women with infertility. Psychology Health & Medicine. 2018 , 23(6):707-716. (SCI/SSCI,IF=1.652)
4. Kang X, Fang Y, Li S, Liu Y, Zhao D, Feng X, Wang Y, Li P*(Corresponding Author). The Benefits of Indirect Exposure to Trauma: The Relationships among Vicarious Posttraumatic Growth, Social Support, and Resilience in Ambulance Personnel in China. Psychiatry Investigation. 2018, 15(5): 452–459.(SCI/SSCI,IF=1.499)
5. Zou G, Li Y, Xu R, Li P*(Corresponding Author). Resilience and positive affect contribute to lower cancer-related fatigue among Chinese patients with gastric cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2018, 27(7-8): e1412-e1418. (SCI/SSCI,IF=1.98)
6. Dong X, Li G, Liu C, Kong L, Fang Y, Kang X, Li P*(Corresponding Author). The mediating role of resilience in the relationship between social support and posttraumatic growth among colorectal cancer survivors with permanent intestinal ostomies: A structural equation model analysis. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2017,29:47-52.(SCI/SSCI,IF=2.155)
7. Kong, L., Liu, Y., Li, G., Fang, Y., Kang, X., Li, P*(Corresponding Author). Resilience moderates the relationship between emotional intelligence and clinical communication ability among Chinese practice nursing students: A structural equation model analysis. Nurse education today, 2016,46, 64-68. (SCI/SSCI,IF=1.837)
8. Liu X, Liu C, Tian X, Zou G, Li G, Kong L, Li, P*(Corresponding Author). Associations of Perceived Stress, Resilience and Social Support with Sleep Disturbance Among Community-dwelling Adults [J]. Stress Health, 2016, 32(5):578-586. doi: 10.1002/ smi.2664. (SCI/SSCI,IF=1.926)
9. LI G., Kong L, Zhou H, Kang X., Fang Y & Li, P*(Corresponding Author). Relationship between prenatal maternal stress and sleep quality in Chinese pregnant women: the mediation effect of resilience, Sleep Medicine, 2016,25: 8-12. (SCI,IF=3.709)
10. Kong, L., Chen, X., Shen, S., Li, G., Gao, Q., Zhu, N., Lou, F., & Li, P*(Corresponding Author). Professional commitment and attributional style of medical-college nursing students in China: A cross-sectional study. Nurse education today, 2016, 40, 154-160. (SCI/SSCI,IF=1.837)
11. Zou G., Shen X., Tian X., Liu C., Li G., Kong L & Li, P*(Corresponding Author). Correlates of psychological distress, burnout, and resilience among chinese female nurses. Industrial Health, 2016,54(5), 389-395. (SCI,IF=1.057)
12. Tian, X., Gao, Q., Li, G., Zou, G., Liu, C., Kong, L., & Li, P*(Corresponding Author). Resilience is associated with low psychological distress in renal transplant recipients. General hospital psychiatry, 2016, 39, 86-90. (SCI/SSCI,IF=2.852)
13. Chen X, Mao Y, Kong L, Li G, Xin M, Lou F & Li, P*(Corresponding Author). Resilience moderates the association between stigma and psychological distress among family caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Personality and Individual Differences, 2016, 96, 78-82. (SSCI,IF=2.417)
14. Tian, X., Liu, C., Zou, G., Li, G., Kong, L., & Li, P*(Corresponding Author). Positive resources for combating job burnout among Chinese telephone operators: Resilience and psychological empowerment. Psychiatry research, 2015, 228(3), 411-415. (SCI/SSCI,IF=2.845)
15. Chunqin Liu, Yuanyuan Zhao, XiaohongTian, Guiyuan Zou, Ping Li*(Corresponding Author). Negative life events and school adjustment among Chinese nursing students: The mediating role of psychological capital [J]. Nurse Education Today, 2015, 35(6):754-759. (SCI/SSCI,IF=1.837)
16. Ping Li*(Corresponding Author),Tiantian Liu,Jiajia Liu,Qing Zhang,Fenglan Lou,Feng Kong, Guanghui Cheng,Magnus Björkholm,Chengyun Zheng,Dawei Xu*. Promoter Polymorphism in the Serotonin Transporter (5-HTT)Gene Is Significantly Associated with Leukocyte Telomere Length in Han Chinese. PLOS ONE. 9(4),e94442. 2014(SCI, IF=4.015)
17. Ping Li, Mi Hou, Fenglan Lou, Magnus Björkholm, Dawei Xu. Telomere dysfunction induced by chemotherapeutic agents and radiation in normal human cells. Int J Biochem Cell Biol. 2012 Sep; 44(9):1531-40. (SCI,IF=4.96)
18. Ping Li, Chuan Tian, Nan Ge, Hongwei Wang, Li Liu, Fenglan Lou, Magnus Bjokholm, Dawei Xu. Premature senescence of T cells in long-term survivors of renal transplantation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2011, 407(3): 599-604. (SCI, IF=2.661)
Awards and Honors
Outstanding social practice instructor in Shandong Province in 2016
Additional Experiences
Vice-Chairman of Shandong Provincial Nursing Health Education Committee
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Evidence-Based Nursing