From April 1 to June 8, 2022, the School of Nursing and Rehabilitation (SONR) invited Professor Felina C. Young to carry out a series of lectures on “ADVANCED STATISTICS IN NURSING” though the school’s International Visiting Instructor Program. A total of 48 students, 39 of whom were master and doctoral students participated in the lectures virtually.

The lecture series focused on the “Theory, Practice and Case Study” of advanced statistics in nursing. For the theory section, Prof. Young delivered lectures on introduction to statistics, hypothesis testing, parametric tests, non-parametric tests, multivariate analysis, multiple regression, factor analysis, etc. In addition, Prof. Young illustrated the use of Excel for data input and use of SPSS for data analysis, and related result explanations to help students to understand the application of statistics in nursing. Finally, she wrapped up the series with a case study to integrate the theory, practice, and references.

This lecture series provided high-quality educational resources for nursing students at the School of Nursing and Rehabilitation and improved students' capacity of applying statistical methods and tools to facilitate nursing research problems. In addition, through the interaction with Prof. Young, students’ cross-cultural communication in English language was enhanced.
Professor Felina C. Young is the Chancellor and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of Philippine Women’s University. She was the First Lay President of College of the Holy Spirit, the First Vice President of Higher Education and Graduate School Dean of Jose Rizal University, and the First Lay Vice President and Founding Dean of the Graduate School of San Beda University. She has written a total of 11 books, including articles on varied topics in Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Organization Development, Marketing, Total Quality Management, Statistics, Algebra, Mathematics on Investment, Research, and among others, an inspirational book, entitled “Pearls of Gold”.
The International Visiting Instructor Program at SONR is one type of the temporary teaching/lecturing programs at SONR. It aims to provide students with opportunities of learning from language- and background-diverse experts, and to facilitate international collaboration between Shandong University and overseas institutes. We invite teachers, professors and researchers from overseas universities and institutes to deliver lectures, workshops, seminars, and other formats to our students at Shandong University.
Author: Si-Jing Peng. Editor: Naixue Cui.